Sunday, December 20, 2009

Starting A Dog Day Care I Asked This The Other Day But... (starting A Dog Grooming Position)?

I asked this the other day but... (starting a dog grooming position)? - starting a dog day care

I will begin a position nursing dogs, I am the first of 3 married on the cover! I will start to 45% commission, and finally, how do I get more customers, which can store up to 60%.

That said .... How do I apply to win my customers? (Mind that this business is 25 to 30 minutes from my hometown.) What is an effective way of cheap advertising that is unique?

And if I clientelle that a unique opportunity to create incentives for "Keep 'em coming is now?" I can not offer training for free or at reduced prices. I thought of the "loyalty cards" and if there is a buffer, and after so many seals, had to get something good, but what?

And then, what good thing I every visit, which is cheap to make, I used the other hairdressers.

PS: Please do not suggest things like a dog is very well prepared, free (for if dog owners are like me, who is well thank you, and discarded again when I go home, my dog does not like as much support StoreThese meetings), or arcs, or other things while the attackers. I'm looking for ideas!

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