Sunday, January 17, 2010

Wedding Card Comment I Thought One Year Wedding Anniversaries Were Supposed To Be Important?

I thought one year wedding anniversaries were supposed to be important? - wedding card comment

Our first anniversary came and went. He recalled that seems to be happy, but not for me. If not for his mother, was probably done nothing for him either. (You have a gift card to our favorite Italian restaurant). We do not do well financially, but I think it is a sign that not only enough about this important day care. I do not expect fancy, just something to show me that you care. Am I wrong? Here you go, or nothing to say. Thank you.


The Princess said...

Some men, though they may be good husbands, they are intelligent, and not just real things. For us, these data are very important and romantic, but many men simply do not understand. If your husband is a very good man in all things, I would not make a lot of worries. Perhaps you were wondering about this, tell him how you feel and see what he says.

killinsh... said...

A poem from a card in his hand ... to prove anything, that he loves you and remember this important day is wonderful. But most people have in this department. I know my husband, even if money was tight (yet) lol I hope you have a map in hand, cook a nice meal or something.
But perhaps only he knew that his mother was y'all gift card and thought it was a good night. Knowledge that money was tight. Let me just say that it means a lot for you and for him to express his love for you on this day every year, and if the house full of kids y'all is not much time is spent alone, and that monetary is even more ... lol I do not think he loves you less than a year ago, the only track that I do not the people in most cases.

escobar said...

You are not wrong
What have you done with him?
At least he is happy with the marriage, not hate. If you have financial problems, are not pushing the "do something good junk in it, especially if you need money for you. Believe me this is not a great day you think it is. It is less important because they spend years together . But that does not apply to those you. mean Trust me love, it seems that what he does. But it is wrong if she thinks that spending the opportunity to show your love for someone. Good luck . Marrieage be worse before it gets better or ends

mel p said...

Not wrong.It is my opinion that the birthday is a little more important.It also sets the standard for future anniversaries.You may be to him about his kick something that will affect the rest of your life. As seen too much of their feelings and speak out when HES was in a good mood.Maybe can do something special for you, but not because of the finances.He could actually now.Try feel guilty for not too uncomfortable for him to and try to think about all the good things he done for you as well.goodluck!

Buttapek... said...

It's hard to know that you have two some financial difficulties, on the other hand, I understand how you feel, could have bought a card, or something special for you is simple, there's always a business with a U.S. U.S. dollars existence, it offered large flakes on you.

ukmaninm... said...

Well, it is important for some, but not so important. It depends on how the rest of the time in a day. OK, so it's always the same and does not take much attention to you, you need to talk and say what you feel.

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